Aquatic Supervision

Parents Supervise, Lifeguards Save Lives
Your safety is very important to us and while there are lifeguards on hand, we ask you to follow these steps to help ensure your safety in and around our aquatic areas.
Royal Lifesaving
Keep Watch Policy
For over 20 years Keep Watch has been educating Australian parents and carers on how to keep their children safe when in, on or around the water.
Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children 0–4 years of age.
The Keep Watch program has four key drowning prevention Actions. These should not be used individually but together to maximise child safety – if one line of defence fails, the other prevention measures will be actively working to prevent your child from drowning.
Active supervision at public pools consists of four key elements:
- Be Prepared: Ensure you have everything you need before getting into the water, such as towels and dry clothes.
- Be Close: Always be within arms' reach of your child.
- All of Your Attention: Focus all of your attention on your child and get into the pool and talk and play with them.
- All of the Time: You should never leave your child alone in the water, nor should they be left in the care of an older child or with the assumption that your responsibility diminishes due to the presence of lifeguards.
Supervision Policies:
Weak/Non-Swimmer Policy
- Tell a staff member if you are a Non-Swimmer, we’re here to help!
- It’s okay to admit you are a non-swimmer. Be recognised and survive
- Wear a water safety orange wrist band while in the water to be recognised by lifeguards
- Swim within safe depths according to your ability
- Never swim in deep water if you are a Non-Swimmer
- Be aware of drop zones in pools and abrupt depth change areas
- Swim with a friend or companion
Please note: Lifeguards are employed on a 1:100 ratio; to help lifeguards supervise more effectively please advise staff if you are a non-swimmer, wear your wrist band and stay within safe depths commensurate with your ability.